
Showing posts from November, 2017

Planning; Casting choices

Casting choices Main character - For the role of the main female character I was looking to recruit a teenage girl between the ages of 16-18, as I previously stated in my call for actors. Within the casting process I found many of my peers were wanting to audition for this role of the main character, and were keen to be cast for this lead role. In order to overcome this an audition tape was completed, giving each potential actor a chance to prove that they should be cast for the role. Eventually it was decided that Skye Tyson would be the most suitable candidate for the role of the main character. Being 5'4 with short brown hair and brown eyes at the age of 17, I decided that along with her acting abilities her physical appearance fit the specifications of the teenage character I was looking for. Skye Tyson was an actress within my AS media film, and proved to be a valuable asset with regards to the film itself, her acting abilities shining through although having had little pre...

Planning; Risk assessment


Planning; Props

Planning; Equipment and software

Planning; New location recce

Teenagers bedroom The location in which the scenes of the main character in her bedroom, will be filmed in my own bedroom at my house in Drayton. This is due to the fact that it is an easily accessible location, as well as the fact that I am a teenage girl and already have a bedroom that would be ready for use. In terms of size my bedroom is fairly large, therefore meaning I would be able to have plenty of space in order to place equipment, including lights, camera tripod etcetera. In terms of the shots, I have a double bed which could successfully be used to film the shots if the main character curled up crying or her wiping her face. In terms of the furniture in which the bedroom being used contains, it is quite an urban setting, including plants a fish tank and many wooden beams, along with typical items such as a tv and a clothes rail. Park The location for the park setting I have chosen is a combination of two locations, these being Spiceball park and Boddington reservoir. B...

Planning; New call for actors


Planning; Call sheet


Planning; New choosing locations

Planning; Lighting

With regards to lighting within my music video, additional lighting will be used to aid the natural lighting within the filming process (only in internal locations). This will be done due to the fact that during the editing process, even if the shot is too light, this is then better than it being too dark, in the sense that when it comes to colour correction it is much harder to make something lighter as opposed to darker. Therefore by having this additional lighting it makes this process easier. For the beginning of the trailer, when showing the couple together, within this montage the lighting will be significantly lighter (and more warm toned). This is to signify that within these scenes, it is a happier and more positive time for the character. Also to represent unity between the characters. However, after this happy period of time the lighting will change to that of a darker tone. This is then to convey the fact that the narrative takes a darker turn after this point. When fil...

Planning; New moodboard


Planning; Defining genre

What is genre? Dictionary definition of genre; genre ˈʒɒ̃rÉ™,ˈ(d)Ê’É’nrÉ™/ noun 1 . a style or category of art, music, or literature. "the spy thriller is a very masculine genre" synonyms: category ,  class ,  classification ,  categorization ,  group ,  grouping , A genre refers to the conventions in which a media form may follow in order to be classified under an umbrella of specific elements that 'genre' involves. For example to be classified as a 'thriller' a film would need to present elements of fear within the narrative to be then classified as a thriller. Genre is imperative for film producers, as they need to make sure they are appealing to their target audience. Without specifying a genre when marketing a film, this would then make the film less popular, as people who thrive off and prefer specific genres potentially wouldn't be attracted to the film, decreasing sales. An example of a solid genre would be The ...

Planning; Target audience

Establishing my target audience; A mistake that is often made within the marketing process of a film is that directors will aim to have their target audience as 'everyone', while this seems like a good idea, due to profits and copies sold being increased, this is not always a prime approach. A clear target audience should be established before the filming process has started, perhaps in the storyboarding stage of the planning process. By establishing a clear specific target audience, this means that during the making process I will be able to specifically taylor elements of my music video to this particular group of people, including; camera angles, colour grading and transitions. However even when targeting this specific group of people, there will always be exceptions to the general trend, for example a film aimed at girls between the ages of 10-13 you may actually get men between the ages of 40-45 also enjoying this film. Therefore meaning that even though tailoring elemen...

Planning; New storyboards


Planning; New rough plot


Planning; New introduce main task

The task  These are the specifications in which OCR require students to fulfil with regards to coursework if this is the chosen brief, taken from the OCR 'Advanced portfolio in media'. Although there were a wide variety of briefs to chose from, originally I chose the idea to do a short film, however soon after starting production then decided to completely change my idea and brief, leading me to then choose the music video option. I also feel as though by creating a music video I am creating a vastly different project from that my coursework last year, as a film opening and short film are very similar. With regards to a music video I am also stepping away from the thriller genre that I chose last year, and having a dramatic romance genre- enabling me to explore different conventions and narratives within this particular group. Ancillaries As it can be seen above I also have to choose two ancillary products to make alongside the music video itself, these I have to pick b...


After having shot a few scenes with the two youngest child actors, I soon came to the realisation that I was unhappy with the choice I had made with regards to my narrative. By changing my idea I feel as though I may become more invested with my project, as at this present point in my coursework I feel unmotivated with the original idea I chose. Therefore I came to the conclusion that if I were to change narratives I may become more engaged with my new idea. As well as changing the narrative I feel as though I may change the point of doing a short film and instead change to a music video, this would not be too much of a hassle due to the fact that I was unsure as to which road to go down anyways, therefore when I did previous work I did a mixture of research for a music video and a short film. Although overall it does mean I will have more work to do as I will need to then re-complete previous work I have completed such as my storyboards, choosing locations and chosen genre. NEW NARR...

Filming day 1 (rough footage)


Planning; Storyboards


Planning; Casting callout

A female actress will be needed to fulfil the role of the main character, as well as the main characters imaginary friend. However as my short film will be set over a number of years, the age of these characters will have to change in order to signify this passing of time. This therefore means I will have to cast a number of actresses in order to successfully create this appearance, I thought three would be the appropriate number to then have three stages of age. Age group 1 Two young girls between the ages of 4-6 will be needed to cast for the roles of the imaginary friend and the main character, for the first third of the film. Main character- A young female between the ages of 6-8 will be needed in order to fill the position of this character within the young stage, this character ideally need to have blonde hair and blue eyes. Along with a temperament that is easy to work with, allowing myself as a director to insure that the acting is of a good quality. This girl will be pl...

Planning: Choosing locations