Planning; Target audience

Establishing my target audience;

A mistake that is often made within the marketing process of a film is that directors will aim to have their target audience as 'everyone', while this seems like a good idea, due to profits and copies sold being increased, this is not always a prime approach. A clear target audience should be established before the filming process has started, perhaps in the storyboarding stage of the planning process. By establishing a clear specific target audience, this means that during the making process I will be able to specifically taylor elements of my music video to this particular group of people, including; camera angles, colour grading and transitions. However even when targeting this specific group of people, there will always be exceptions to the general trend, for example a film aimed at girls between the ages of 10-13 you may actually get men between the ages of 40-45 also enjoying this film. Therefore meaning that even though tailoring elements to my target audience, it will still mean that I may have a number of people who do not fall under that category, who will then be classed as my 'audience' even though it was not my initial aim to target them. In order to establish a target audience, the following questions need to be asked; Who has a need for this product? Who is most likely to buy this product? To do this the following demographics need to addressed:

  • Age 
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Income level
  • Education level
  • Marital or family status
  • Occupation
  • Religion
  • Ethnic background.

As well as Psychographic specifications:

  • Personality
  • Attitudes
  • Values
  • Interests/hobbies
  • Lifestyle
  • Behaviour

Who are my Target audience?;

When taking into account all of these factors, making a decision with regards to who my target audience are is going to have to be specific, yet not reductionist. Therefore I have decided that my prime target audience will be of the female gender, this is due to the subject matter of abortion being the primary factor within the music video. This is mainly down to the fact that females are able to relate to this subject, perhaps more personally, as opposed to males. This being because if faced in this situation it would make a female think about if they were in that position, even if it is unlikely. Whereas this situation is impossible for a male to be found in. The age that I will be targeting is between the ages of 15-19. This being as a result of the main character being the age of 17, also because of the specificness of the music video it would mean that a teenager would directly relate. Furthermore the person who I would invision to watch this kind of music video, would include an open-minded temperament. Perhaps an individual whom might relate to this music video on a personal level would have the most interest within this music video, these may include a Catholic background, suffered with an unwanted teenage pregnancy or been involved with some sort of suicidal event. These actions may not have directly happened to them, but they may have a link with someone else who has been involved with any of these. Due to this piece of work being in the form of a music video, I would then be aiming towards an audience who have a proficient interest within the realms of music, wether this being just listening to music or perhaps being involved within the music industry.

How to address my target audience;

In order to specifically address my stated target audience, I will need to ensure that I am catering to their needs as an audience. Therefore because the target audience is between the ages of 15-19 I would include a certain amount of quick cutting shots, in order to keep them interested, yet still conveying the primary message. Although this age group would potentially prefer a more fast paced element, this music video still contains a vast aspect dramatic visuals, as well as the storyline being quite shocking. This therefore should cater for this particular age group as a substitute. However  because I am also addressing those individuals who may have has similar experiences to the main character, my primary focus is conveying this message in a realistic way, that is extremely sensitive with regards to the nature of: suicide, teenage pregnancy and religion. I will be addressing my target audience in subtle ways as well as the obvious matter of the characters and storyline. This will be through the use of colour correction and colour grading, by using a moody colour correction,which involves cooler tones and a lighting which casts shadows.


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