Planning; Casting choices

Casting choices

Main character- For the role of the main female character I was looking to recruit a teenage girl between the ages of 16-18, as I previously stated in my call for actors. Within the casting process I found many of my peers were wanting to audition for this role of the main character, and were keen to be cast for this lead role. In order to overcome this an audition tape was completed, giving each potential actor a chance to prove that they should be cast for the role. Eventually it was decided that Skye Tyson would be the most suitable candidate for the role of the main character. Being 5'4 with short brown hair and brown eyes at the age of 17, I decided that along with her acting abilities her physical appearance fit the specifications of the teenage character I was looking for. Skye Tyson was an actress within my AS media film, and proved to be a valuable asset with regards to the film itself, her acting abilities shining through although having had little previous acting experience. Therefore I am assured she is the correct individual to play this part and will ensure that the film is of the highest quality, along with making the filming process smooth.

Boyfriend- When casting a male actor to play the role of the boyfriend, I wanted to be assured that he would provide a natural chemistry with the main actress, ensuring that the on screen romance looked as authentic as possible. I decided that in order to gain this natural chemistry, I would cast a male actor that the actress (Skye Tyson) already knows, and is good friends with. After careful consideration, 16 year old Harry Tims was deemed as the most appropriate choice. He has light brown hair and blue eyes, along with not looking too old as some males can, therefore meaning it is unmistakeable that he is in fact a young teenager. He has a willing and positive personality meaning he is likely to be light hearted and able to produce the positivity that is needed within the character of the boyfriend and hopefully radiating to the main female character.

Mother- It proved difficult in finding an actress who was of the correct age and who had the correct physical appearance, that was willing to play the part of this character. towards the end of the casting process it became apparent that this role would have to be filled by one of two people, these being Dawn Gascoigne and Cynthia Arthur. After a debate between deciding on who should play the part it was evident that Dawn expressed the preferred temperament, this being of quite a fiery insisting nature, therefore matching that of her character. Along with this, another contributing factor as to why she was chosen was down to the fact that her physical appearance seemed to look more alike to the main female character than Cynthia did. This was the final factor as to why Dawn was chosen over the other candidate.


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