Planning; Lighting

With regards to lighting within my music video, additional lighting will be used to aid the natural lighting within the filming process (only in internal locations). This will be done due to the fact that during the editing process, even if the shot is too light, this is then better than it being too dark, in the sense that when it comes to colour correction it is much harder to make something lighter as opposed to darker. Therefore by having this additional lighting it makes this process easier.

For the beginning of the trailer, when showing the couple together, within this montage the lighting will be significantly lighter (and more warm toned). This is to signify that within these scenes, it is a happier and more positive time for the character. Also to represent unity between the characters. However, after this happy period of time the lighting will change to that of a darker tone. This is then to convey the fact that the narrative takes a darker turn after this point.

When filming in my external locations, I will be benefitting from the natural ambient lighting, e.g the sun. This is due to the fact that if the natural light is bright enough, I feel as though additional lighting may be to excessive and unnecessary. Also the use of this natural lighting, will appear more realistic to the narrative, as strong harsh lighting would not often be found in an external location, unless it was sunny. On the other hand, when filming within my internal locations, additional lighting will accompany the lighting already within the house. This is due to the fact that within internal locations, the lighting tends to be quite dark. Therefore having this additional lighting should help to correct this in the grand scheme.


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