Planning; New location recce

Teenagers bedroom

The location in which the scenes of the main character in her bedroom, will be filmed in my own bedroom at my house in Drayton. This is due to the fact that it is an easily accessible location, as well as the fact that I am a teenage girl and already have a bedroom that would be ready for use. In terms of size my bedroom is fairly large, therefore meaning I would be able to have plenty of space in order to place equipment, including lights, camera tripod etcetera. In terms of the shots, I have a double bed which could successfully be used to film the shots if the main character curled up crying or her wiping her face. In terms of the furniture in which the bedroom being used contains, it is quite an urban setting, including plants a fish tank and many wooden beams, along with typical items such as a tv and a clothes rail.


The location for the park setting I have chosen is a combination of two locations, these being Spiceball park and Boddington reservoir. Both of these locations will be used to film scenes of the main character with her boyfriend, happy shots of them walking together and laughing together. However on the flip side it will also be used to film scenes of the main character on her own, after finding out she is pregnant and her boyfriend leaving her. This is to to reflect on the isolation she is feeling, and to almost replicate the shots of her with her boyfriend except she is alone. I feel as though a park location where there are plenty of open grounds is the ideal place to do this as it reflects how large the area is and the character is just a small part of it. Often people tend to go for walks with loved ones, or on their own when they need some time for reflection.

Public toilets

A set of public toilets will be used in order to film the scenes of the main character when she is in the toilets being sick- and also when she learns she is pregnant. I thought a public toilet would be more effective due to the openness of the area, as well as implying connotations of it being in a public place as opposed to her toilet at home- which would link to the publicity of her scandalous behaviour at school. However, in order to prevent members of the public from entering the location in which I will be filming, the toilets at Chenderit school will be used- which is my current place of study. The outside of the toilets show a stereotypical female sign, with the inside having four cubicles- including one disabled. Within these toilets also contains sinks and mirrors to film the scenes in which the character is looking at herself within these mirrors.

Main characters house

Some scenes will involve the main character being in her own home- in addition to the scenes that she is in her bedroom. These scenes are ones in which she is having a conversation with her mother, in which she tells her she is pregnant. I thought perhaps these scenes could be filmed in the living room or at the kitchen table. This is due to the fact that these are stereotypical places in a home whereby a mother and child may have a conversation.


Potentially a shot in which the main character picks up a pregnancy test from either a drugstore or a cornershop would need to be filmed, however this is not fixed. If this location doesn't end up being used I would still be able to carry the narrative forwards. The reason this location is not fixed is due to the fact that I would have to receive consent from someone like superdrug or boots for example, which may be extremely difficult. This therefore means this location may not be included if consent cannot be gained.


Chenderit school (where I am currently studying) will be used in order to film some scenes of the main character walking down the corridor with other students staring and whispering at her as they notice she is pregnant. This location will highlight the age of the girl showing that she is in fact a teenager, due to her still being at school. Therefore meaning this is a key location in helping to establish the situation of this character, as well as her age. The corridor being used will be the maths corridor, as it is the longest corridor we have within the school. The reason I would like it to be a long corridor is to show the isolation and loneliness the character feels whilst receiving this negative effect from peers, as well as her size compared to the rest of her surroundings.

Home bathroom

A bathroom within a home will also need to be used in addition to the public bathroom. This in order to film the suicide scene, the reason the characters home bathroom will be used is due to the fact that with regards to the narrative this location makes more sense than a public bathroom. In addition to this it would mean she would have access to items such as a razor or knife perhaps. With regards to the narrative this location plays a key role within the dramatic ending of the music video, showing the ultimate death of the main character. My own bathroom at home will be used to film this scene due to it being easily accessible.


Finally a graveyard setting will also be required in order to film the very last shot, this will be where the mother is standing in front of a grave and a pan will show a baby in her arms. This location will have to be an external pre-existing graveyard, and a single grave will need to be highlighted as the main characters- preferably with a name and date to highlight the characters name and age. The graveyard that will be used is the church grounds in which my village is located- this being Drayton. The reason this particular graveyard has been chosen is due to its isolated nature in the middle of vast open land, including fields and forest.


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