
Showing posts from December, 2017

Planning; Gathering ideas from other films and music videos

Within my music video I hope to create a similar shot to this one from the film Notting Hill, it is where the main character is walking through a market in London. Each time he walks behind a stall the seasons change as he is walking. This is a classy and effective way to signify the passing of time in a short clip. Therefore I hope to be able to replicate this within my media product, specifically due to the narrative of my music video, it would be a useful scene to show the characters pregnancy progression, and to show that she is near the end of her pregnancy. These screenshots are taken from the Imagine Dragons radioactive music video. It shows a slow motion pan around this character whilst she is wearing a hoodie. I thought this was a really effective method in presenting enigma within the narrative, as well as the hoodie almost half masking the characters identity. I will replicate this shot within the external scenes of the main character after finding out she is pr...

Planning; Choosing character names


Planning; Costumes

Planning; Research on suicide

Gender differences in suicide; Suicide attempts are between two and four times more frequent among females. Researchers have attributed the difference between attempted and completed suicides among the sexes to males using more lethal means to end their lives.  One theory put forward for the larger gap is the increased burden of motherhood due to cultural norms. In regions where the identity of females is constructed around the family, the pressure of it being a ‘societal norm’ to settle down and have a family and children may correlate with higher levels of risks for suicide. This Fact was taken from the ‘Samaritans’ website which help prevent suicide, as well as looking at the causes and impacts these actions have on the individual, as well as their family. The fact that the females suicide has increased in recent years, lead to the exploration as to what the causes of these actions may be down to. As a result of this research, one of the conclusions they came to wa...

Planning; Research on religion

Within my music video the image of the main characters mother will be depicted as being religious, this will be shown through the use of a cross necklace- therefore meaning the religions researched would need to in some way relate to the church (Catholic or the Church of England). The reason the decision was made as to making this character religious, is due to the fact that I needed to make a justification as to why this character feels so strongly against abortion and I thought religion would be a good way to do this, linking to the fact that religion is not often depicted within classic music videos, I thought that by incorporating it would add a unique element to the narrative. However religion is a sensitive subject and will need to be handled with care, along with thorough research being done in order to prevent any false depictions being shown. Obviously each individual will express different opinions on each subject, with their own justifications and modifications, however I...

Planning; Research on abortion

 In order to gain optimum knowledge on the sensitive subject of abortion, I took to doing some research. This involved reading and absorbing information taken from the NHS website, this in turn gave some insightful facts about how abortion is performed and a few statistics taken from elements within this. Although my music video doesn't deal with abortion directly, I still felt it necessary to gain information with regards to this subject, this being because abortion is a very complex and emotional subject, especially for those individuals who are involved first hand. After processing this information I decided that it would help aid me within my work, and i will keep t in the back of my mind with regards to the narrative. The link to the NHS website below is the information I investigated.

Planning; Research on psychological harm

Due to the sensitive nature of my music video's narrative, it is important  that the idea of potential psychological harm is addressed. It is crucial that I try to reduce the effects of psychological harm within the actors and audience as much as possible, because as it is known many forms of media have a way of staying with us, enabling us not to forget what we have seen. In order to try and reduce these effects graphic imagery will be kept to a minimum, with subtle ways of implying that the main character has killed herself. Furthermore this narrative could relate to some individuals on a personal level, for example someone who has had a relative commit suicide of has had a parent prevent them from having a abortion may be psychologically effected by the contents of this music video in a way that could have a prolonging psychological involvement. This can be hard to control or combat, due to the fact that anyone could relate personally to almost anything, therefore this issue wi...

Planning; Research on depression

In order to convey the main character in a realistic and sensitive way with regards to her depressing nature, I decided to conduct some research with regards to depressing. This will include elements such as symptoms and how it affects the individual, by doing this I hope to gain as much correct information with regards to depression in itself so I can then accurately portray this within the narrative. The last thing I intend to do is offend any individual by not accurately depicting the symptoms and how it may have devastating effects. Psychological symptoms The psychological symptoms of depression include: ·        continuous low mood or sadness ·        feeling hopeless and helpless ·        having low self-esteem  ·        feeling tearful ·        feeling guilt-ridden ·        feeling ...