Submarine is a 3 minute short film, produced and directed by Cameron Whiteford and a company called Acid Flicks. Its reason for being made was that it was to take part in the 2015 Røde film competition, this short film is essentially a coming of age story centred around a young girl who loves to swim, I thought this may be relevant to my chosen storyline as it is centred around a child along with being narrated by the character. The camera shots used within this short film have proved to be successful in help to aid the storyline and narration, a wide variety of shots have been included such as; mid shots, long shots, close ups and also a few dirty shots. Within this variety of shots, I feel the strongest are the long shots and close ups, due to the fact that the long shots give such a sense of location along with enabling the audience to connect to what the characters are seeing, giving a sense of being. The very first shots shown is a passing shot, in which a close up of the girl...
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