Magazine advert; Image and background

This is the three images combined to create the final 'background' element of the magazine advert.

To create this I simply used the 'quick selection tool' to select only the outline of the model, as this is the only element of the image I wished to use. I then used Command J to create a copy of this layer after selecting the outline of the model, and deleted the original layer to then just end up with the model. Therefore deleting the background of the original image.




  1. Quick selection tool
  2. Selecting the outline of the model
  3. Command J to duplicate layer
  4. Delete 'background' and keep layer 1
With the two colours above I simply dragged them both together to create the half and half type effect with the blue and black, as the basic background.

Then using the outline of the model I created earlier I dragged this into the centre of the background. so I then ended up with what you can see below.

However I did not like the fact that the model was in full colour, as I felt it was not vintage enough and didn't fit well with the theme of my digipak. To change this, I altered the blending mode of the model image to 'luminosity' which essentially gave it a hue to match the blue in the background. which is then how I ended up with the final background and image.


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